Celebrating Years and Years of Whimsy and Imagination

Art Ambushers Reshape Skyler

The newly-revived Art Ambush convened for its second meeting on Monday, December 3rd. Some twenty-five people attended, producing twelve pieces of art, three of them by fluffy. The week’s theme was “What Should Skyler Be Next?“, a reference to his being changed to a deer by Beltrami, balloon dragon.

fluffy, critter, produced two drawings and a musical piece, Valleyminks, minks, produced a sculpture, while Xor, boolean; Pi, vixen; Mavra, centaur; Sally, velociraptor; Chanspot, coffee fossa; Carl, owl; and Serval, guest, each produced a single drawing. Skyler, deer, seemed pleased, but somewhat taken aback by the variety of ideas on display.

A good time was had by all, and the Ambush adjudged a success. The next Ambush will meet Monday, December 10th, at 7pm at Bristles and Pixels, luge N1 E8, B.