Celebrating Years and Years of Whimsy and Imagination

Fair Events for the Second Weekend Announced

BunnyHugger, devilbunny, announced a selection of events for the second weekend of the Fair today. In a post to the Rose Garden bulletin board, she provided the following schedule:

Friday, September 2:
7:00-8:00 p.m.: Devilbunny Culture Presentation
Learn the facts of devilbunny life from your expert docent, BunnyHugger.

Sunday, September 4:
7:00-10:00 p.m.: Labor Day Eve Karaoke Party and Dance
A chance to be a music star for an evening, or just enjoy dancing and drinks.

Monday, September 5:
11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.: Labor Day Beach Party
Say farewell to summer with swimming, food, and music.

The SpinDizzy World’s Fair continues through September 11.