Celebrating Years and Years of Whimsy and Imagination
Things New Folks Should Know

By Xor at SpinDizzy

Here’s a list of Useful Commands that you might not immediately realize!

First off, “globals” tells you aaall the commands which you can use anywhere.
Usage: globals

Say or a double-quote ( ” ) will let you say stuff. Don’t add a closing quote! It’s added automatically.
Usage: “stuff!

Pose, a colon ( : ), or, on some clients, /me will let you do an ‘action,’ such as “Smint dances!” Don’t add a closing quote here, either, unless you’re ending the pose with a quote.
Usage: :poses!

W, or wh, or whisper, lets you say things privately to a character who’s in the room. You can also whisper to multiple people at once!
Usage: wh Person=Message | wh Person1 Person2=Message

P, or page, does the same as whisper, but can be used within the room, or across rooms. You can also page multiple people at once!
Usage: p Person=Message | p Person1 Person2=Message

P #mail [name]=[message] will send a “mail” message to the person, quickly. You can also use the “mail” command. Much like with Page, you can page-mail several people at once.
Usage: p #mail Person1 Person2=Message

Mumble [name]=[message] will send a message to someone publicly, but a few random words will be censored. The recipient will see everything. It’s mainly for roleplaying. You can mumble to several people at once.
Usage: mumble person=message | mumble Person1 Person2=Message

L, or look, allows you to see things. You can also “smell,” “feel,” or “taste” things, if you like!
Usage: look Thing

On a similar note, if you want to look at things in a container (like someone’s inventory), you use lookat.
Usage: lookat [container]’s [object]

To add to this, if you have a picture of your character, you can add it with “@image me=[image link]” Just typing in @image will give you a list of everything in the room that has an image!
Usage: @image me=http://blarghle.arghle.ugh/

Want a quick overview of who’s in the room, who’s asleep, who’s a “zombie” or “puppet,” and who’s not said anything for a little while? Try ‘who’ for that.
Usage: who

A variant is ‘ws,’ or ‘whospecies,’ which gives you all of the above information, as well as any “status settings,” such as IC or OOC, and the species and sexes of everyone in the room. You can also “ws #far ” to find out what someone is who’s not in the room, though some people disable this.
Usage: ws | ws #far Person

To change your Stat setting in the WS listing, just “stat [letters].” There’s also “goic,” “goooc,” and “goidl,” which will announce your stat change to the room.
Usage: stat CAT | goic | goooc | goidl

If you need to contact an administrator, or “wizard,” use: wizzes.
Usage: wizzes

To see a list of which members of the helpstaff are online, use: staff
Usage: staff

If you want to know when someone was last online, use: last [name]
Usage: last Person

If you want to keep a “friends list,” you can use wf, or watchfor.
Usage: wf Person | to remove: wf !Person

Go to a room and find that you’re the only one there? Pining for company? “wa,” or “whereare,” will show you where the people are!
Usage: wa

A variant is “fa,” or “findall,” which will give a list of everyone on the MUCK, and their locations. You can choose whether or not to allow a room, or you, to be shown on the list.
Usage: fa

Homefinder gives a list of places where you can get a home for yourself. You could always build one, but that’s somewhat more complicated. To set something as your home, if it’s a room where that’s allowed, go to that room and @link me=here
Usage: homefinder | @link me=here

Our map is arrayed in a grid (see: http://spindizzy.org/map/). If you want to get to a “grid square,” like N1 W1, you can luge there! If you want to get to the Rose Garden, just type “rose.” A few other areas have similar “global” commands.
Usage: luge n1 e1 | rose | ch

To teleport to a room, you have to know its database reference, or dbref. This is something like #298, and might be displayed next to the name of the room, in its description. If it has letters after the numbers, those indicate qualities of the room, but aren’t part of the dbref. To teleport: t #[dbref]
Usage: t #498

+read will let you read the main bulletin board! You can do this from any room. And please do — it has a lot of good information.
Usage: +read | +read 1

cread is a specialized bulletin board, that deals with commands, and tutorials! It can also be read from any room.
Usage: cread | cread 1

rpread is also specialized: it’s for information about roleplay events! Like the others, it can be read from any room.
Usage: rpread | rpread 1

eventlist will give you an interactive list of any events that are scheduled. Or, you can make one of your own! For a more concise list, type “events.”
Usage: eventlist | events

time tells you what time it is, both on SpinDizzy (in-character), and the server time. Date gives you the server date and time.
Usage: time | date

If you have an IMPORTANT announcement, that the entire MUCK deserves to know, and it’s important, and it’s actually important, and it’s not only important to you, you can use @shout [message]. This will go out to everyone, so use it sparingly.
Usage: @shout Something important!

The key to democracy is informed citizens. Also, voting! To see topics on which you can vote, just type “vote!”
Usage: vote

There are also “editplayer” and “morph,” both of which are ways to deal with character descriptions, and the like. Those are detailed below!

So, you’re new to SpinDizzy, and also new to MUCKs? All the little details you can set about your character can be confusing; but, luckily, we have a wonderful command called “editplayer!” True to its name, this allows you to edit your character. You run it by simply typing in its name. However, its multitude of options can be intimidating. This is a quick run-down of how each command works:

  1. While not actually numbered, this displays your name! If you want to change your name, you don’t use editplayer. You’d instead type in: @name me=[newname] [password]
  2. This is your description! If you’ve not set it, yet, it might ask you if you want to convert to an MPI description; in my experience, it’s generally best to just say “yes.”
    This function of editplayer is a list editor, which comes with a whole new set of options. For now, you won’t need many: Input your description by simply tying it in, and pressing enter.
    To see a numbered list of the lines in your description, type .p
    To format each line so that it doesn’t take up the whole length of the screen, you can type in, .format [line number]=[columns desired] — I usually use 80, myself. Note that this will change the line numbers, so make sure to use .p again!
    To indent a line, it’s just .indent [line]=[indent space]; I tend to use 5.
    If you want to delete a line, “.del [first line to be deleted] [last line to be deleted]” For example, if you wanted to delete lines 5 through 7, you’d .del 5 7
    If you just wanted five to go away, you’d just say .del 5
    To insert text into a line — say, 3 — .i 3
    If you accidentally cause an apocalypse with what you’ve written, and want to get rid of your changes without saving them, .abort !
  3. What sex are you? Male? Female? Hermaphroditic? Neutrois? Fluff? Green?
  4. What species are you? Are you an anthropomorphic human? An amorphous blob of cheese?
  5. Do you want people to be able to throw things to you from other rooms? The only downside is that it could be abused for “spam,” or be used to hand you devices that listen in on your conversations. But that’s very, very illegal (on the MUCK, at least), and to my knowledge, hasn’t happened here.
  6. What’s your home? An easier way for new folks to set this, however, is to find a room you want to be your home — try homefinder — and @link me=here
  7. Like throwing, but it affects folks who are in the same room as you.
  8. Think happy thoughts. Can you fly? Unless you’re into hardcore in-character stuff, there’s not a whole lot of reason not to set this to yes.
  9. How do you smell? Note that this won’t put your name in front of it, automatically: if you want it to say “Lord Dooglesmithers smells AMAZING,” you have to type in exactly that. Else, everyone will only see “smells AMAZING.”
  10. What do you see when you say stuff? Remember to add a comma. (EXAMPLE: say, )
  11. What does everyone else see when you say stuff? Again, commas. (EXAMPLE: says, )
  12. These are fun messages that can appear if you get rid of everyone who’s disconnected in the room, or when you’re disconnected.

Once you have a chunk of information about yourself — a description, scent, @image, say messages, and the like — you can save that with the Morph command! Just morph #add, and then follow the instructions there. It’s all quite simple — but very useful, if you have more than one outfit or form, for your character! IMPORTANT: morph #add your “default” description before you go adding new ones! Otherwise, you’ll have to put it back. For more information on the morph command, try morph #help and morph #help2.