Celebrating Years and Years of Whimsy and Imagination

Lost SpinDizzians Remembered, Missed

Day of Remembrance, an official SpinDizzy holiday observed each year on May 30, was the occasion for an informal gathering in Memorial Plaza (N1 W1).  Several statues and monuments are on display in the plaza as a reminder of deceased (or otherwise lost) SpinDizzians.  The small crowd shared recollections of the deceased, with newer residents learning their names and stories for the first time.  “It was a good year,” said Austin, coati. “We didn’t have to add to the memorials. I hope it was a year we were able to honour those memories.”

Looking at the monuments, BunnyHugger, devilbunny, remarked, “I actually never met a single one of these people except Argon… I wish I knew something about some of these others. I’ve heard a lot about Butterfluff and Aushae, but I know nothing of these other folks.” Morticon, wallaby, said, “Well… let’s see. Alfie was a feline, if I remember. I saw him a few times, but don’t remember anything specific. Stars’_Pyre was an interesting dragon.  Fun to RP with.”  Jacob, whose monument is a bell, was described by Austin as “purple mouse with a bell on his tail… playful, but shy about it.”

BunnyHugger shared a story about her first memory of Argon, centaur, the most recently deceased of those memorialized in the plaza. She explained that Argon, then-editor of SpinDizzy’s newspaper, @Action News, was present when she proposed marriage to Austin in the Rose Garden. “But it never showed up in the paper, and I thought, ‘Gosh, someone no one really knows shows up and proposes to the Managing Editor and that’s not newsworthy?  What do you have to do to get in the newspaper around here?'” Months later, BunnyHugger said, she mentioned the engagement to Argon and he replied that he had not heard anything about that.  The story made Morticon laugh affectionately, but add more seriously, “I can still feel Argon’s absence even today.”

Beltrami, balloon dragon, pointed to Butterfluff’s plinth and then patted her own cheek, causing Austin to nod in reply, and say, “Butterfluff was hard to lose. It was so alive… Aushae was very happy adopting Butterfluff as child, and Butterfluff as happy being adopted. I never quite learned how they grew into that relationship, though.” Skyler, rabbit, added, “I think Aushae saw something in Butterfluff; you know how that is.”

Looking at a statue of a vixen on a motorcycle, BunnyHugger said, “The name Carri-Vixen is familiar. I have the idea I maybe saw her on FM [FurryMUCK]?” Austin, coati, replied, “I think so, BunnyHugger.  Also on FurToonia. She was the server wizard for TF&F, as well,” referring to Toons, Furr, and Fluff, the predecessor of SpinDizzy. At the mention of Carri-Vixen, recent immigrant Robbie, vampire devilbunny, was alarmed, as he had known her fairly well. Morticon and Austin explained that it is not known for certain that she is deceased, but she disappeared very suddenly and no one has had any contact with her since.

According to Austin, Stars’_Pyre was the first person SpinDizzy lost, and his death was shocking: “I guess I come back so often to Stars’_Pyre because… when he killed himself, he left his account here open. The character stayed logged in, alive in a way, past his life, for a little while. I guess I’m haunted by that implication, that we share enough of ourselves that we live on past our lives.”

“I hope this is a good year coming,” Austin said.

Anyone in contact with Carri-Vixen or with knowledge of her whereabouts is urged to provide information to Austin or Morticon.