Celebrating Years and Years of Whimsy and Imagination

‘Ask Auntie Findra’ Column to Return

Several years ago, there was a column in @Action News called “Ask Auntie Findra,” where people would ask me any questions that were on their mind, and I would attempt to answer them in the newspaper.  I’ve had a few folks ask me if we could restart that, and I’d like to ask that if you have any questions that you think would be interesting to have an answer to, please do pagemail them to me on SpinDizzy (or comment in this article!), and I’ll do my best to come up with something.

The answers aren’t usually particularly serious, just to warn you, so if you have a question on how a particular MUF command works, the answer may not be immediately enlightening.  =:)

For a hint at how this used to work, you can dig into the archive at http://www.spindizzy.org/newspaper019.htm
