Celebrating Years and Years of Whimsy and Imagination

Robin Possibly Doomed

Robin, housecat, has been held in thrall the past several days by a short “lust imp” named Imperor. Robin reports having found herself captive this way following what Imperor reported as her lusting for “pants” and possibly notorious imaginary spy James Bond.

Though Robin’s captivity is continuing, she is allowed general freedom to roam around SpinDizzy. However, Imperor will often follow and intrude upon her conversations.

Imperor claims that Robin’s spiritual captivity will last only so long as it takes the SpinDizzy community to overcome a series of modern, “upstart” sins, the first several of which he has identified as pollution, texting in theaters, chat-speak (“it leaves a real mark, a lot of marks, illegible marks”), and general discourtesy.

Imperor claims there is no actual killing of these sins to be done, although there will be some “shakin’ ’em up.” Imperor claims when this sin-shaking is done Robin will be freed.